Welcome To Spine & Sport Annapolis
You can prepare your paperwork by printing & filling out the forms at home before your first visit.
Most people are somewhat apprehensive when they start with care (especially if it is their first experience with chiropractic). Rest assured, when you enter our office you will be greeted by a friendly member of our staff who will put you at ease and start you with the appropriate paperwork.

Once completed, you will have a consultation with one of our providers. Studies show that a thorough history will lead to a diagnosis 80% of the time. It is for this reason that we ask our patients to designate an hour for the initial visit. This also gives you the opportunity to express your health concerns, expectations and to ask any questions you may have pertaining to the matter as well as an opportunity for us to express our role in your health care and discuss your health options and prognosis.
A physical exam will then be performed which will include range of motion evaluation, orthopedic testing, reflex assessments, muscle testing, as well as palpation of the muscles and spinal segments in order to identify the source of the problem.
In most cases, treatment will begin on the first visit. Depending on the provider’s findings it may consist of physical therapy, spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, muscle work or some combination of these. The provider may also provide valuable information in regards to modifications in your activities of daily living, your ergonomic set-up and/or post-treatment care such as ice and rest.
We feel that the foundation of the health care provider/patient relationship is communication. If you feel that something has not been explained to your liking, please feel comfortable in addressing it. On each subsequent visit we will ask you how you are progressing, we want you to feel that you can tell us if you are feeling better, worse, or the same.
We believe that the key to your success is keeping your appointments. Our treatment plans are designed in 2-4 week blocks where we gauge your progress. For example, Dr. Infanti likes to layer his treatments. Your first treatment may consist of a passive modality (electric muscle stimulation) and spinal manipulation. Your next visit, he may layer on some soft tissue treatment and stretching. The visit after that he may initiate a core exercise program. However, if treatment is spread out due to appointments being missed or rescheduled, it is difficult to ascertain the effectiveness of care.

We realize that you have choices in regard to your healthcare and we thank you for placing that trust in our office. We will do everything possible to make your experience pleasant, informative and productive.